Haitian Creole Resources

John Engle and friends have been busy, over the last few years, creating a number of online resources and gathering points for Open Space practice in Haitian Creole. The links on the main Haitian Creole page have been updated to reflect this. Metòd espas Ouvri: Ki sa li ye?

Another Successful OSonOS in Haiti

John Engle reports more success from Haiti…

I’m delighted to share photos from 8th Annual Haiti OSonOS, which convened for three days 70 Haitians, many of whom are educators and community leaders from around the country. These photos taken by Haitian pro photographer, Eric Graham:

A special thanks to Open Space Institute, USA for providing scholarships for 16 participants.

With deep gratitude, John

PS Here’s an unprofessionally done video, created by me ; ) I made it especially for folks who were there but I’ll share it here in case some of you want to get a better feel for the meeting.

Svenska Open Space Institutet

Svenska Open Space Institutet är en ideell förening som ”syftar till att utveckla och sprida kunskaper om Open Space metoden samt verka för ömsesidigt stöd och lärande mellan handledare/praktiker som arbetar med Open Space metoden i Sverige och världen”. (stadgar 2004) Contact OSI Sweden: Chairwoman Eva P Svensson mailto:eva@epshumaninvest.se or phone +46 (0)706-89 85 50

Local monthly mentoring circles in Göteborg focusing on Open Space/Genuine? Contact. Contact: Thomas Herrmann mailto:thomas@openspaceconsulting.com or phone +46 (0)709-98 97 81

Scandinavian emaillist/ Skandinavisk mötesplats för utbyte och lärande om möjligheterna av att arbeta med Open Space-metoden/The? Genuine Contact Program. Gå till: http://lists.genuinecontact.info/mailman/listinfo/gc-scand

Worldwide OSonOS Conversation Notes

Larry Peterson says:

Read the notes from another great conversation, in February, among contacts from institutes and groups from 8 countries around the world. We focused on Worldwide OSonOS which will be held in San Francisco so check it out. We also explored the possibilities for upcoming events in Taipei, Taiwan and Berlin (or another European location).

There were also some great stories of development in various countries and groups.

Thomas Herrman facilitated and Larry Peterson took the notes.

See you in San Francisco!

Open Space in Switzerland

This just in from Switzerland, about a meeting for practitioners upcoming on March 19thcontact Catherine Corbaz to join this group:

There will be a meeting in the french speaking part of Switzerland to discuss about the way to promote OST in our area. We may talk about the creation of a website or how to use the existing possibilities. A possible Swiss open space institute might be a perspective (that would meant include the german OST facilitators) or to improve the connection with the blog the Canadian created. The meeting will be on the 19 of march.

Best regards from Switzerland (it’s snowing !!! at least)