Open Space on Open Space Proceedings
The proceedings from the sixteenth annual Open Space on Open Space, about 80 sessions worth of notes, thanks to 120 or so friends and practitioners, from more countries than I could tally from the participant list… are now posted for downloading. Enjoy!
Regarding the session convened by Phelim McDermott on creating an Open Space Building….it was most remarkable reading this as I have just discovered the coolest “multiplex” yurts available here in the UK. These are the creation of Turkoman Gers, a maker of rental yurts in Gloucester. Their website isn’t up and running yet but we have a Yurt book with photos of the multiplex yurt in it…eco friendly and just like the picture these folks drew in their OS session with a central circular space and 5 smaller circles surrounding!
YOu gotta love it
By Janine Ogg on 10.06.08 4:28 am