Worldwide OS-Online — follow up
Event Report about “Worldwide OpenSpace-Online on Open Space Technology”
A large international group of Open Space Technology Practitioners from around the globe look back to a fantastic worldwide community gathering. On June 30th/July 1st, 2007 almost 100 OST colleagues and friends from 25 countries joined this unique Internet event. The flow of socializing and knowledge sharing was extremely powerful and joyful. Right after the 4.5 hour OpenSpace-Online® Real-Time Conference, Harrison Owen sent the following message to the OSLIST:
“Thanks to Gabriela Ender and her wonderful crew, we were treated to a marvelous global gathering. And we didn’t have to go anywhere! Actually I tuned in from my dock on the lake (WiFi reaches just that far) – so there I am with a fresh breeze in the face, water lapping at my feet and in constant communication with friends and colleagues from all over the world. The software is seamless, and if you have ever been in the Open Space, it feels just like the real thing. But I do have to admit that I missed the eye-to-eye contact, and maybe more than that the hugs that seem to be a regular feature of Open Space. But that is a small thing. Gabriela has done a wonder. She should be proud and I know that if you ever have a chance to experience OpenSpace-on-line for yourself or with/for a client, you will not be disappointed. It is the real thing – sans hugs. Harrison”
You are warmly invited to download a 14 page event report including evaluation (PDF) about this Global OST Community Conference:
Gabriela Ender