April OSonOS in Toronto
Larry Peterson announces an OSonOS: Open Space on Open Space Gathering is scheduled for Friday, April 27 (evening) and Saturday April 28th, 2007, in the Toronto Area (Location to be announced).
What are we learning about the use of Open Space Technology? What ideas or theories help us understand it? Join us for Great People, Great Conversations. Costs will cover venue, food and materials (To be determined).
Mark Your Calendars. More information will arrive in about two weeks. This event follows directly the workshop that Diane Gibeault and Larry will be leading from April 25-27th, also in Toronto.
Email Larry for more on the OSonOS or the training.
Local OSonOS Toronto Planning Team: Meg Salter, Judy Gast & Larry Peterson
[…] an April 28th stammtische in Nanaimo (British Columbia) for those who will be unable to attend the Toronto Open Space on Open Space April 27th and April […]
By Open Space World » West Coast Canada Stammtische on 04.05.07 6:41 pm