Open Space Institute – Sweden
From Thomas Herrmann in Sweden:
The Swedish OS-institute was founded the 24th of November 2001 when we had a gathering of Swedish collegues and our friend Koos from Holland!
The purpose of OSI-S is to develop and spread knowledge about Open Space Technology and to work for mutual support and learning between OS-facilitators in Sweden and in the world. We have a board where I was the chairman for 2,5 years, now our friend Agneta Setterwall has taken that role.
So far the Institute has arranged one Scandinavian OSonOS two Swedish online OSonOS´s and co-sponsored the International OSonOS XI. And we have had annual meetings of the board, often during or after the yearly Scandinavian OSonOS.
There are also local groups meeting regularily in south Sweden, west-Sweden and Uppsala which are not “formally” meetings of OSI-S but which are initiatives by members of OSI-S. But then – we are not very formal.
We also started a smartgroups forum where there are about 40 people connected. It was transformed to an Scandinavian forum a couple of years ago. Not very active but a good way to get in touch with like-minded in Scandinavia.
See Open Space Institutes for how to contact Thomas, Agneta and other Institute groups around the world.