Open Space on Open Space

Open Space on Open Space (OSonOS) Conferences are gatherings of Open Space Technology practitioners, their clients, curious people, business people, scientists, community activists, and others, all with some interest or experience in Open Space — in and from different places around the world. They are all about Open Space and are held entirely in Open Space.

The 30th Annual World Open Space on Open Space,
our international practice conference, will be in
Istanbul, Turkey on Oct 31-Nov 2, 2024.
Details and Registration

These events date back to the early 1990’s when they were initiated and hosted by OST originator Harrison Owen, outside Washington DC. In the mid-90’s the annual OSonOS began to move around… Toronto, Monterrey, Chicago.  In 2000 it went intercontinental… Germany, Canada (western), Australia, Sweden, India, Canada (eastern), Moscow and Ukraine, Taiwan and, and and… it’s still going.

A number of “other” events — local, regional/language, national, international, worldwide — had also sprung up, beginning as early as 2001 in Germany and Haiti, and later on in some other places. Many of these had international attendance.  In 2015, there was even a 4-day global Virtual OSonOS.

Past Proceedings from international OSonOS Conferences, with Locations and Lead Hosts

Local, regional and international OSonOS eventsarchived invites and reports