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Connecting leaders/organizations worldwide through learning programs run in Open Space

Convenor: Thomas Herrmann

Participants: Penny Wolf, Justus Lewis


Our little lovely group of three spent some time presenting ourselves and talking about our ideas regarding the issue at hand.

Why would we want to engage in the issue at hand?

Firstly to get added value to learning programs in different countries/cultural contexts.

We also talked about encouraging long term change in organizations, by opening up space for organizations to develop. Another aspect is to take advantage of and foster the network between OST facilitators worldwide,

We discussed some different aspects:

What is the added value of connecting learning programs in different countries? Learn from each other, expanded international networks, higher status which may help to get interested participants to come. Maybe the program should be directed towards companies that work on the global arena?

An example of a learning program that is developing in Sweden was briefly presented. The program aims att opening up space for managers and employee representatives from different companies/organizations to learn together in Open Space. Its purpose it to encourage them to develop their organizations to be more “lifeaffirming” and efficient. It will start next year and consist of three Open Space meetings + virtual collaboration in between.

The actual work done in the organizations could of course be made using whatever method that the organization uses. It might be OST


If programs in different countries are run simultaneously there could be one or more physical gatherings for all participants. The virtual space could be connected throughout the program. This would imply that language issues had to be taken into account.

Translators could be used (which of course would have to be funded within the budget).

If programs are run separately there could be points of connection planned in the respective programs e g a Open Space meeting. OpenSpace?-Online could be used as a way to have real-time virtual meetings.


Invite them… The global aspect might help. Another good thing could be to have an national or global organization as a co-sponsor e g SOL (Society of Organizational Learning). Maybe one should decide on e g SME (Small and mediumsized enterprises), companies that work on the global arena etc


There may be different sources to get funding in different countries. There may be some international organizations willing to fund. Alternatively it could be funded fully through the participants fees.

RESEARCH Interesting to do research on how the different programs develop.


DO IT! If we wait to get ready for it, we’ll never be. Maybe start off with two countries if not more are ready.