Issue:The Role/Purpose
? of Open Space Institutes
Convenor:Brian Bainbridge
Audrey, Toke, Christa, Joelle, Peggy, Judi, Kerry, Hannah, Agneta S., Antti-Juhani, Michelle C., Gabriela E.
Summary of the meeting:
- Australia an informal group whose task is supporting regional development, disseminating training events, advancing on a national basis
- Now exploring Australian stories about OST. Limited resources. Grown since the beginning of OSonOS.
- Original Open Space Institue began in 1996 as a result of Harrison's world wide tour to promote research and attract funding; a place where research would be gathered, and it would support him somewhat.
- Larry and Birgitt and Audrey picked this up in Canada.
- First 4 OSonOS focussed around Harrison
- Role was to do with mentoring, resources and research (but the research thing has obtained least attention).
- Australia - no energy or funds, encouraged others to plug into OSI list, has its own email newsletter with some 400 recipients.
- Canada evolved its own website, newsletter, and promoted Harrison's Learning Expedition. Uses telephone conferencing extensively and attracts 7 or 8 people per call.
- Competition is one factor OSIC's. We are fragmented and don't know who is doing what. Need an initiative for EU regional OSI, perhaps.
- Michael P. map is valuable. German OSI undertook to host any OSI visitor's to Germany, regional institutes have a wonderful opportunity for hospitality.
- OSI's are occasionally asked for consultants; mostly we refer those we know and trust. The response depends on the employer.
- What kind of organism do we want? To become citizens of the now in a different way and to live the principles.
- Not just another organization that steps back into the old paradigm without knowing it. Something to lift us out of our details and openiong to next generations -- will the next generation see us a scent or a stink?
- On the OS list we can be vulnerable and others help us laugh at ourself if we step back into the old paradigm.
- Many in the group commented on the quality of the OSlist.
- There was a need for learning. What are steps to the learning. How do we find the minimalist form. It cannot be owned.
- Stewardship/space for wisdom-connection/credibility-people who need more form.
- Wish for standards and some basic criteria for the open space institutes in different lands. the canada website and lists all practitioner.
Follow up:
Online Comments:
(Online comment copied from the page /OpenSpaceInstitute).I was expecting this session to give an opinion about two questions I sent to the OSlist some time ago. What would you think of an OSI based on language an not geography - in this case, Portuguese - including Portugal, Brasil, and the Portuguese speaking countries in Africa and Asia? And what if it was Iberian (Portuguese and Spanish) like the Iberian Wiki? Would you believe like myself that this is a different and more sustainable way of "going global"? Comments from the members of this session are mostly welcome -- ArturSilva
Janet -- This discussion speakes directly to our Concerns here in India, as need to set up 'Open Space Institute of India' begins to loom large in the context of the event planned for Goa next year. I feel a sense of being achored in the experiences that are shared. We will come back to you, to pick on your wisdom, gained in Australia and elsewhere.