Issue: open space with blind people / sign language
Convenor: Michael Pannwitz jr.
Participants: Miljenka
Summary of the meeting:
os with blind people
- Arriving / orientation: (music?) choose a common (known) site without barriers.
- Do we need more time?
- How to focus the group?
- How to organize the bulletin board? : With a braille-printer? More than one for accessability? A guide?
- Are there any blind os-facilitators?
- Discuss ost with blind facilitators and translate ost-language to include the blind experience(could maybe become part of the glossary of os terms)
Hints and questions warmly welcome! (here and at
os with sign language
Brian Bainbridge mentioned that he has facilitated an os with deaf people, so there will be an informal exchange at some point.
Follow up: We will post our future experience on the listserv.
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