Convenor: FlorianFischer?
Summary of the meeting:
Florian introduced a very simple game, involving a number of stones (ordinary, everyday ones). Place them on the floor in any way you want, and then one at a time you move the stones. There are only two rules:
You don't take turn moving the stones, if you feel moved to move one (so to speak) you do it.
It is based on the idea from systems thinking, that changing any part of the system affects the whole system.
It's a little like zen garden that keeps changing.
It's also like a meditation.
Florian: Since you move the stones slowly, they may not go where you want them to. You may discover yourself placing the stone in a different place than you'd planned. Almost as if the stones move themselves, uncovering an authenic inner structure.
Try moving the stones without intention.
Then we explored the similarities between this game and OST:
Various other observations:
Finally an idea: You could use this game as a talking stick in the circle. Place the stones in the middle, and everyone who wants to speak picks up a stone, speaks and then puts down the stone in a new position. The same rules apply.
Follow up:
Online Comments:
In accordance with this game...each time we open space the stones are shifted to a new position. Perhaps like a rearrangement of the cellular structure of an organisation. I am going to have a session playing this game and then make some observations. HelenPatterson
This game sounds like WIKI! --MichaelHerman
Reminds me of the statement I sometimes use in closing circles about honouring the group now, for it will never meet again exactly like this. -- ChrisCorrigan