Present: Karen, Doug, Gabriel, Christine, Peggy After a time for check-in, Christine moderated.
1. OSI Going Deeper (Christine)
Something has deepened I think
What would we need to do to go deeper?
The getting to know each other meeting is good.
But it can be in-the-moment.
Karen—I tie this into the 10 year anniversary
Peggy—I like it when it is spontaneous; I also like it when it is a specific time set aside for it.
Christine—take next meeting--4th week
Peggy—2 hours, mindful about making the time
ddg—good outline from Gabriel
2. Training next generation (Christine):
Reach young people who would be interested in leadership and youth parliaments
There are some organizations which would
Establish a training beachhead
Coro Foundation might be a good one
Perhaps a pilot one on each coast.
We'd do the training for free for a half day on mechanics and principals—half day of briefing, half day of
OSI-USA could subsidize the training or the first one
They are looking for anyone who is interested in this initiative
Gabriel: I want to add in about mindfulness and consciousness and how OST impacts these.
Karen: technology connection, Kaylia Hamlin
Peggy: we need to revisit the idea of it being pro bono—unsustainable—try to look for a stipend of some sort.
Doug: I would be interested in helping out
Doug: at by the sea—someone said people under thirty already use it and don't see anything special to it—is that valid?
Christine: not my experience: they work in bureaucracies and are not familiar with the idea that there is any alternative.
Karen: perhaps combine with Practice of Peace?
Christine: might hold a call on this. There will be a small group forming, and if you are interested, contact Christine and she will see you get an invitation to participate.
9. OSonOS by the Sea:
Karen: two people interested in joining, but probably not board
Doug and I were the two board members who attended
There were four of us there—other two are interested in being a part.
No big new things—informational exchange.
Doug: Becky Peterson has a great interest in helping with the youth side, maybe to the point of being a board member
Peggy: what emerging trends did you see?
Gabriel: combination of systems thinking and sustainability. There is a lot of movement now around green issues, and How can I have an impact?
Christine or Karen will send the proceedings to everyone on the board
For the bin: possible OSI-USA board meeting for Phelim's Metropolitan Opera Satyagraha in April, so members can attend
3. Making grants (Doug): no report
10. Karen, new item for the bin: Group in Hungary, organizational change, want to include Open Space, in 2010.
7. Haiti FOSonOS? (Karen): they are having follow up meeting in October.
We have not expended any money on that.
They did not have to get our OK on the person they funded.
Peggy: we just told them to have set criteria.
11. Add to bin: Tithing for OSI (Christine)
8. WOSonOS2008: very close on signing lease for the space
We don't know the costs, but expensive
Gabriel: do they want OSI-USA to sign to get a non profit rate?
Peggy: we have done that in the past
Doug: should we do a separate ask letter, even before end of year, to support WOSonOS2008?
Peggy: let us wait for Lisa and her team
Doug: may have effect on any decision to go to Hungary in 2010, because that decision might be made this coming summer.
Next meeting: October 25
There followed time for check-out, and then a minute of silence
The bin:
1. Open Space Institute, Going Deeper (Christine)
2. Training next generation of facilitators (Kerry, Christine)
3. Making grants and payments to individuals and its effect upon our 501(c)(3) (US Tax free) status (Doug)
4. U.S. website for practitioners (Kerry)
5. Linking videos on You Tube and other portals. (Kerry)
6. 10 year OSI anniversary! (Kerry)
7. Haiti @ FOSonOS? Report (Karen)
8. WOSonOS2008 '08 update (Lisa)
9. Update on OSonOS by the Sea and membership meeting (Karen)
10. Meeting in Hungary on organizational change in 2010 (Karen)
11. Tithing for OSI (Christine)