OSI-US Board Meeting October 17, 2008
- Thank you for your comments, adjustments, corrections.
Present: Peggy Holman, Karen Davis, Elwin Guild, Ed Laboy, Doug Germann Sr.
Absent: John Engle, Phelim McDermott?, Peggy Holman, Tree Fitzpatrick, Gabriel Shirley
Notes-taker: Lisa Heft, Christine Whitney Sanchez,
- We began by sharing a moment of silence together with the gift of Elwin’s bells, followed by checkins.
1. An Open Space DVD for the Corporate World (Elwin)
- Elwin: We are inching ahead; plan a skype conference on Monday. Video would be perhaps testimonials and the fears at the beginning.
- Doug: Perhaps we might do snippets during the OS events-before and after; ask on the list for people to do this all around the world.
- Karen: Great project, complement to US West.
- Elwin: It just good marketing.
- Peggy: Upheaval, people throwing up their hands has led to openness to “emergent process.” Get guidance and partnership. One leader: “We're making it up as we go along, because nothing else is worth the trouble.” We already know what not to do.
- Ed: We are in a crisis mode nationwide. People are grasping to find something to help them understand. The answers are with the people in the grassroots. They are not afraid to go there. The victory is that they go there—whether or not it worked.
- Elwin: It's still a Dollar and Cents world. Controls are a fiction.
- Doug: An Army Ranger once said—move into the ambush. We could learn from this by going directly to the fears of the corporate world.
- Peggy: We will probably not be your source of funding.
2. Funding to Send Trainers to Underserved Areas etc. (Elwin, Lisa, Doug)
- Elwin and Lisa are sketching an outline of some generic questions regarding capacity, known resources and so on.
- Elwin: Let's see what they can provide in contributions in kind: Lodging, translator, food, transport
- Elwin: Would we want to advertise to world, we are available to help; or should we target? Other institutes could do the targeting, be first tier sponsors.
- Peggy: John Engle might be a good one to advise us.
- Elwin: Who would we identify as a trainer?
- Peggy: those criteria would be down the road.
- Doug: this was to be in in lieu of bringing people in to WOSonOS2008—might be more effective
3. New items (Peggy)
- Peggy: For bin—we need to get Harrison's Wave Riders book into bookstore; usually sell it at a 20% discount.
- Karen will ask bookstore people to order the book.
- Peggy: Group in Seattle May 14-17, Leadership in a Self-Organizing World. Have room for 100 to 125. Targeting people who are interested in experiments in ways of organizing, many sectors, to put their heads together around What are we learning? www.selforganizingworld.net
- Peggy: improving design of products page is a conversation we need to have with Michael Herman.
NEXT MEETING: Friday November 21, 2008, 10:30 am PDT / 11:30 am MDT / 12:30 pm CDT / 1:30 pm EDT / 9:30 pm GMT (third Fridays)
BIN for November 21, 2008 OSI-USA Board Meeting:
- An Open Space DVD for the Corporate World (Elwin)
- Funding to Send Trainers to Underserved Areas etc. (Doug, Elwin, Lisa)
- Girl Scout Video (pricing-text-placement) on OSI-US Products List (Christine)
- Improving the Design of the OSI-US Products Page (Doug)
- Learning from the Experience with Chandi (All)
- Frequently Absent Board Members - How Do We Feel About This? (Phelim)
- Getting Wave Riders into the bookstore (Karen)