OSI(US) Board Meeting for November 19, 2004:
Present: Peggy Holman, John Engle, Leon de King, Kerry Napuk, Lisa Heft (notes-taker) -- Absent: Gabriel Shirley, Mikk Sarv, Michael Herman
1. (Doug, John) Report on OpenSpaceOnOpenSpaceInUS, Chicago, Nov 6-8, 2004
- 30 people, well-received, next year plan near San Antonio, Texas. John hosted an open session of the OSI(US)Board.
Action / Agreement:
- 1.1: $1275 raised over expenses; sent to OSI(US) with request the funds be used for specifically US-based activity.
- 1.2: Annual OSI(US) members meeting held there by John Engle. Two people mentioned interest in Board: Leon will ask Sheila Isakson, John will ask Karen Davis if they wish to join the Board.
- 1.3: Proceedings notes for OpenSpaceOnOpenSpaceInUS conference are openspaceworld.net site (click the underlined link / title in this sentence)
2. (John) CIRCLES OF CHANGE video distribution
- Offer for sale? As member gift for coming year? $15/each, suggested retail $45, OSI(US) can sell for any amount, John’s sale to OSI(US) includes a little profit going to Haiti.
Action / Agreement:
- 2.1: OSI(US) is ordering 20 copies to begin; John will send.
- 2.2: Peggy will post it as a gift for a $75 membership on the website.
3. Doug / Peg’s conversations with Marge Schiller - Positive Change Corps Idea
- Marge is part of a developing project, the Positive Change Corps, people using AI in education and schools with youth. A possibility of convening a conference of folks who use OS, AI, Future Search etc. to see what we are learning about serving the youth/education community and ways we might want to work with each other. Also a possibility of convening a virtual conference specifically involving AI folks and folks who use AI with OS with youth in education.
Action / Agreement:
- 3:1: At one point this discussion might have included tips for our own Open Space Corps development - we will need more discussion about what the Open Space Corps is (we have different thoughts) - see BIN
- 3:2: John and Kerry will continue this conversation with Marge; Peggy will link them together copying Lisa and Leon (who may also be available for the conversation); Peggy will also in this message show Marge the link to the wiki education OST site.
- 3:3: Kerry adds the need to continue to build our dedicated wiki wiki site on education -- http://www.openspaceworld.org/network/wiki.cgi?OpenSpaceinEducation -- which has a new password, "PassionAndResponsibility?". He feels it could become the OS showcase for experiences with education for other practitioners, sponsors and students themselves.
4. Surprise event for HO's 70th birthday on December 12, 2005
Action / Agreement:
- Doug hosted a session at OpenSpaceOnOpenSpaceInUS; various ideas came up; see the BIN for action.
(for example: 9am Pacific Standard Time)
BIN for December 30 OSI(US) Board meeting:
- 1. (Doug) Revision of OSI(US) Bylaws
- 2. (Michael) Birthday planning for Harrison (checking with Ethelyn, creating listserv to gather ideas / actions / logistics)
- 3. Open Space Corps
- 4. Refine OSI(US) grants priorities and awards criteria.
- 5. Sale / Posting? of OST principles poster in 15 languages from OSonOS event at Fyn, Denmark.
- 6. What should OSI(US) charge for provision of fiscal services?
- 7. (Doug) US OST outreach ideas
- 8. Practice of Peace - audio version - distribution.