Present: Doug, Peggy, Karen, John, Christine
Christine anchored the meeting.
We decided to handle only the WOSonOS2008 funding requests, deferring the rest of the bin to next month.
Peggy reviewed for us the requests and we determined that the ones which were still outstanding were for: Haiti; Tanya; Franklin; and funding 5 registrations for people from other practice communities.
Peggy reported that we had just under $6K available.
Our second financial appeal has not yet been sent out.
Several people liked the idea of sending trainers out. It was decided to put that in the bin.
Doug agreed to post brief notes of this meeting, and to contact the people to whom we have given an award.
Peggy will wire the funds, once she has the necessary bank information.
After full conversation, we decided to provide $1,600 each to Tanya & Franklin; and the second $1,000 to Haiti (we have not yet sent the first $1,000 to Haiti, so that will leave us with about $1,800 in our accounts).
Doug suggested we send invitations to other practice communities, without providing any funds; Peggy added that we should make explicit the idea of cross pollination
Christine will email the rest of the board to ask if anyone would write the invitation.
Next meeting is June 20th 1:30 pm
1) Encouraging monthly/regular giving. (Gabriel)
2) Learning from the experience with Chandi. (Includes possibility of inviting Chandi into conversation with board)
3) Girl Scout Convention Video - status, pricing, availability on-line (Christine)
4) Grants and payments to individuals (Doug)
5) Book pricing. (Peggy)
6) Dealing with situation of having board members that are frequently absent – How do we feel about this? (Phelim)
7) WOSonOS2008 Update (Lisa)
8) Funding trainers to underserved areas, perhaps as an alternative to funding people to attend WOSonOS2008 (Doug, Christine)