Silence and check-in re what’s up in the world of holding space for open space.
Karen: Recommend (well being section)
Lisa: Conference for geeks (tech folks) – 'unconference' attended by Lisa and facilitated by Kaliya Hamlin
Gabriel: Attended Better World Network event in Boulder, used OS as convergence activity and feeling like a student of increased structure.
John: In process of moving.
Peggy: Engaged in the open space of my own life. Feeling full-up with life and work.
Doug: Following up on NCDD threads – Noticing there’s something to the notion that if the listener doesn’t want to hear what you have to say, you may not be able to speak it.
Working with local arts center to do OS to figure out how to make the arts more lively in our county. Want to re-design how they work together.
BIN for May 25, 2007 OSI(US) Board meeting:
1. The International Conversation about WOSonOS2008 (Karen)
2. Check-in about Kiev WOSonOS2008
3. Open Space Institute Going Deeper (Christine)
4. Training next generation of facilitators (Kerry, Christine) update – Kerry and I will be Skyping about this during the later part of June – stay tuned
5. Making individual grants from a 501(c)3 (non-profit organization) (Doug)
6. U.S. website for practitioners (Kerry)
7. Linking videos on You Tube and other portals. (Kerry)
8. 10 year OSI anniversary! (Kerry)
9. Haiti @ FOSonOS?
10. Online OS sponsorship
1. The International Conversation about WOSonOS2008 (Karen)
A dozen countries were represented by about 18 people on a conference call this morning. The Kiev crew shared some of the conversations they have been having about WOSonOS2008. Discussed the 2-year planning cycle for OSonOS and alternating continental geography.
San Francisco (Lisa) is extending an invitation for 2008.
Taiwan is extending an invitation for 2009.
Berlin has extended an invitation for 2010 and Paris has tossed its beret into the ring as well.
Kiev team accepted OSI US offer to underwrite calls with Kiev OSonOS.
PayPal? is probably the simplest way to handle it. Karen will follow up with the details.
Gabriel suggested a combination of a teleconference bridge + Skype to provide lease cost access.
2. Check-in about Kiev WOSonOS2008 ?
Check in accomplished in item #1.
Removed from BIN
3. Open Space Institute Going Deeper (Christine)
Added to next BIN
4. Training next generation of facilitators (Kerry, Christine) update – Kerry and I will be Skyping about this during the later part of June – stay tuned
Added to next BIN
5. Making individual grants from a 501(c)3 (non-profit organization) (Doug)
Doug intends to get to this in the next month
Added to next BIN
6. U.S. website for practitioners (Kerry)
Added to next BIN
7. Linking videos on You Tube and other portals. (Kerry)
Added to next BIN
8. 10 year OSI anniversary! (Kerry)
Added to next BIN
9. Haiti @ FOSonOS?
Related to individual grants from 501c3. Diane Gibeault is interested in financial support to Haiti participants to a French OSonOS in September. Let’s find out what Diane has in mind, including the amount of the request.
Current OSI US cash on hand is about $6,000.
Karen agreed to represent OSI US in the conversation with Diane.
John will ask Diane to craft a message that can be sent out via the Haitian listserv.
10. Online OS sponsorship
Gabriela Ender requests that the OSI US sponsor (no financial commitment).
Tree will communicate the Board’s willingness to be a sponsor and share the URL of OSI US. We are excited about the potential of online OS as an ongoing worldwide gathering connecting the OS community in electronic space!
Next Meeting: Friday, June 29
11:00am PDT, 12:00pm MDT, 1:00pm CDT, 2:00pm EDT, 7pm London/Scotland?
BIN for June 29, 2007 OSI(US) Board meeting:
1. Open Space Institute Going Deeper (Christine)
2. Training next generation of facilitators (Kerry, Christine) update – Kerry and I will be Skyping about this during the later part of June – stay tuned
3. Making individual grants from a 501(c)3 (non-profit organization) (Doug)
4. U.S. website for practitioners (Kerry)
5. Linking videos on You Tube and other portals. (Kerry)
6. 10 year OSI anniversary! (Kerry)
7. Haiti @ FOSonOS? (Karen)