OSI Board Notes
Present: Gabriel, Peggy, Rick, Tree, Christine, Karen, Kerry, Doug
- Bookstore handover (Rick)
- OSI Institute collaboration (Karen, Kerry)
- OSI taking initiatives if the world service market concept is dead (Kerry)
- OS stories of passion (All)
- OSonOS grants (Peggy)
- Annual gift to Michael Herman for OS work on the web (Peggy)
- OSonOSinUS? report (Doug)
Welcome Christine Whitney Sanchez to the board!
PH: The update message that just went out listed a bunch of projects that should probably be in the BIN.
- Rick contacted Break Point books re small scale distribution. They are located in Ohio. Rick has previous experience with them and they’ve done a good job.
- Need to know:
- How many SKUs (products) do we have?
- Approximate volume?
- Does it work for us if they keep only, say 10 on hand?
- Are we willing to take payment and have them do just fulfillment?
PH: Sounds workable. If he is willing to work with PayPal? as payment method, should be viable. Peggy will get answers to Rick, who will follow up.
OSI Institute collaboration (Karen, Kerry)
- Have a list of 11 named institutes
- Brian Bainbridge suggested a possible focus on younger people, bringing them forward into open space.
- Next steps:
- Talk with other institutes to get their ideas.
- What thoughts do they have about things institutes could work together on?
OSI taking initiatives if the world service market concept is dead (Kerry)
- No current passion for this on the board.
- Perhaps Michael H. is still pursuing?
- Next step: Karen will check in with Michael.
OS stories of passion (All)
- Stories so rich, with such great depth & energy that may not be well distributed.
- One variant: What are the classic stories? The teaching stories?
- Maybe connect with the notion of reaching to the next generation?
- Maybe reach for a bigger audience.
- Could ID a dozen publications and look for stories that would fit them.
- Next step: let it go for now, see what comes back
OSonOS grants (Peggy)
- Assume Lisa put out AccessQueen? message.
- Received email from Avner re funding a woman from Pakistan. Requested a formal request for funding that speaks to our 4 criteria.
- No other inquiries to date.
- End of June is the time we will consider / decide on requests.
Annual gift to Michael Herman for OS work on the web (Peggy)
- Last year we gifted Michael with $1500 for his ongoing work with openspaceworld.org
- We would like to continue supporting this work with a similar gift this year.
- Much appreciation for your work Michael!
OSonOSinUS? report (Doug)
- Tentative date: Nov 11, 2007 in Ashevill, NC
- Bookstore handover (Rick)
- OSI Institute collaboration (Karen, Kerry)
- OSI taking initiatives if the world service market concept is dead (Kerry)
- OSonOS grants (Peggy)
- Annual gift to Michael Herman for OS work on the web (Peggy)
- OSonOSinUS? report (Doug)
- Continue expansion of Practice of Peace events (Karen)
- Develop an OS Field Guide (Doug)