OSI-US Board Meeting May 26, 2005
Thank you for your comments, adjustments, corrections.
Present: Peggy Holman, Kerry Napuk, Mikk Sarv, John Engle, Doug Germann Sr., Karen Davis, Lisa Heft - - Absent: Michael Herman, Gabriel Shirley - - Notes-taker: Lisa Heft
1. Requests for OSonOS support (all)
- Fremy’s is the only request received by deadline. Paulaine (Haiti) and Marina Tyasto (Russia) -- the other potential requestors who have been corresponding with Lisa -- have declined applying at this time due to time constraints and additionally the challenge Paulaine will have with first-time visa application, language and other factors.
Actions / Decisions / Agreements :
- Peggy will send a message to Fremy to tell him of his award.
2. Bylaws (Doug)
- To date, John, Karen and Doug have shared recommendations for our comments. Discussion about writing a Preamble to the Bylaws to explain the values and philosophy of Open Space. This may be useful for our discussion / decision on the various proposed adjustments to the Bylaws.
Actions / Decisions / Agreements :
- Kerry will write up and circulate a draft of a possible Preamble.
- Kerry and Doug will create an agenda of items / changes that need to be discussed and agreed upon in our next Board call.
3. Latest news regarding Harrison’s birthday plans (Doug, Karen)
- Harrison’s birthday will be celebrated at OSonOS in Halifax. Doug sent a message to the HO birthday list; no response; Therese recommended ordering a cake and champagne.
Actions / Decisions / Agreements :
- Karen is checking with Judy to see what is happening with host team’s plans (coordinate with any celebration of 20th anniversary of OST?) and letting them know that OSI will pay for a cake if Judi and team can order it.
- Doug will check with Michael H. on how to set up a message just to everyone but Harrison - to collect their responses to a question like ‘how has Harrison touched your life?’
4. Dee Dickenson stories / Educational Summit (John, Kerry)
- Ongoing discussion about writing up and Dee’s placing articles on OS on New Horizons
Actions / Decisions / Agreements :
- Maggie Havergal is Open Future's senior associate -- she will be giving 3 workshops in Stirling, Scotland at the World Youth Congress (about 600 worldwide delegates) (Kerry and Eddie will be in Halifax at the time) - this story can be written up for Dee Dickenson.
5. Income generation (all)
- Memberships trickle in. Gail West is a consistently large supporter. Kerry would like us to generate some specific funding appeals for specific reasons. What about funding people around the world to go others’ trainings? A training fund - trainers could apply to it for subsidy to help low-income travelers to their trainings. Kerry mentions would also be good for World Service Market.
Actions / Decisions / Agreements :
- Kerry will share some ideas to ask for comments.
6. Wish list call: what people want to see happening under OSI umbrella - inviting responsibility to seek passion. (Karen, John)
Actions / Decisions / Agreements :
- John and Karen will post this as a topic at OSonOS Halifax.
NEXT MEETING: Thursday, June 23, 2005
Please note that this meeting will be on a Thursday, and at 9:00am PST / 5:00 GMT (2 hours earlier than usual)
BIN for June 23 OSI(US) Board meeting:
- 1. Bylaws (Doug, Kerry)
- 2. Latest news regarding HO birthday plans (Doug, Karen)
- 3. World Service Market (Michael)
- 4. Dee Dickenson / New Horizons stories on OS and education (John, Kerry)
- 5. Income generation (Kerry)
- 6. What people want to see happening under OSI umbrella / Inviting responsibility to seek passion (Karen, John)
- 7. (Mikk) Estonia Education wiki - keep this in BIN for July or August conversation