CONVENED BY: Peggy Holman 11:00 a.m. -- 12:10 p.m. Pacific Standard Time
OTHER MEMBERS PRESENT: Michael Herman, Gabriel Shirley, John Engle, and Leon De King
ABSENT MEMBERS: Lisa Heft, Kerry Napuk, and Mikk Sarv
The BIN for 03-26-04 1) (Gabriel) computer video conferencing. 2) (Peg) the 2004 re-up letter. 3) (Michael) Putting OSI(US) Board minutes on Wiki as "Showcase of OSI(US) Board Practice." 4) (Michael) making OSLIST archives public. 5) (Michael)A National U.S. OSonOS soon?
1) Leon’s problem of locating "The Practice Of Peace" book source for Az State Univ. "Peace Studies" major.
A) (Gabriel) Answer to Leon’s problem, = <>.
B) (Gabriel) computer video conferencing America On Line and Apple have released video conferencing (VC) "compatible" software.-- not yet tested by Gabriel. Michael reported proposing a VC to function in conjunction with the previously proposed OSonOS (Goa) VC participation option. General interest reported from GOA OSonOS convenors. John asked for information on video conferencing of multiple, simultaneous Open Space events - - (to be followed up via teleconference with Michael). TO THE BIN
B) (Peg) the 2004 re-up letter. Now ready to send out.
C) (Michael) Putting OSI(US) Board minutes on Wiki as "Showcase of OSI(US) Board Practice. See <> for today’s BIN and additional Open Space Community relevant topics. Agreed unanimously was that we would, for the next six months post all non-private OSI(US) Board correspondence, updates on Board objectives attainments, to demonstrate our application of Open Space principles to our work. Michael agreed also to: (1) investigate automatic "pushing" of information to Board members; and 2) to assist Leon in posting Board minutes on <>. TO THE BIN
D) (Michael) Making OSLIST archives public. <> linked to OSLIST Home Page <>; and to major internet search engines. <> search page needs work. Peg stated that she would ask Kerry to work on this. TO THE BIN
E) (Michael)A U.S. National OSonOS (Open Space on Open Space) soon? Agreed unanimously was that this was a good idea. The following supplemental ideas were noted: 1) U.S. OSonOS should occur at the opposite "side" of the year, i.e. February; from the Summer 2004 International OSonOS in Goa; 2) advice of Susan Partnow and Vicki Robin should be sought; and 3) possible theme for 2005 U.S. OSonOS = "the contributions of Open Space Technology to U.S. grassroots endeavors". TO THE BIN
NEXT MEETING(*): Friday, April 23, 2004 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. (858) 400-4040 Access Code = 092 355# PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS 4-23-04 MEETING IS ONE WEEK EARLIER THAN THE EXPECTED LAST FRIDAY IN APRIL! (*) Please reserve 11:00 a.m.-- 12:00 p.m.(PST) of last fridays of remaining 2004 months for OSI(US) Board Teleconference Meetings.
The BIN for 04-23-04 1) (Gabriel) computer video conferencing 2) (Michael) Putting OSI(US) Board minutes on Wiki as "Showcase of OSI(US) Board Practice. 3) (Kerry) <> search page 4) (Michael)A U.S. National OSonOS 5)
Respectfully Submitted,
________________ Leon R. De King, Recorder (*) Corrections appreciated.