OSI-US Board Meeting
July 16, 2009
Attending: Lisa, Gabriel, Peggy, Gabriel, Doug
1. Selection of Officers
- Lisa - President
- Christine – Vice
- Peggy – Treasurer – wants someone else to take it on for the next year. Gabriel may consider it for next year. Peggy and
- Gabriel - Secretary – will send the monthly reminder. Notes taking in meetings will continue on a rotating basis
- Doug continues as a member of the board
- Peggy will follow-up with Ed, Karen, Phelim, Tree
2. WOSonOS? 2009 - How Much to Send to Access Queen, Funding, OSI focus
- $6916.62 available in the OSI-US account
- Past practices – we have supported air fair
- This year we will give money directly to the Access Queen
- Revenue – historically we have three streams – product sales, events and donations
- Product sales
- 2006 & 2007 – about 50%
- 2008 it was 21%
- 85-90% of our money is spent in contributions and grants
- 10% - product overhead, the web, event overhead
- Gabriel suggests a way to look at this
- 85% has traditionally been used for grants and contributions, which is the money that could be held for new directions stuff - $4,400
- Bucket - $1500
- Expenses - $1000
- What if we weren’t a grant-making organization?
- Invest in research
- Christine - proof of concept – easy to use TWC, for example because there is already research
- Peggy - As our resident PhD? in the making, Gabriel may help us design the research (he is creating an action research template for TWC. This template could be Open Sourced.
- Place for gathering the data could take place through Michael P’s Open Space World
- Doug’s view is that we ought to get Open Space out there and if someone wants to do the research, we might give some support. Research is not a primary interest for him
- Peggy – intrigued by idea of allocating some of our resources to support research.
- Doug – I’m in support of us holding the space for Open Space
- Peggy – in the early days, we were a place of support and mutual connection, doing research, mentoring through our connections
- Training in outlying area – sending someone would cost $2500 (great deal, way in advance) or more. If we set aside $4000 for that, we could do $1000 for Access Queen and set aside some funds for the Open Space Corporate DVD and the Open Space Website
- Postponing other financial decisions
- Will want to support Michael & Access Queen
- $1000 to Michael immediately in thanks for the work he’s already done
- next call do something similar with Access Queen
- hold off on other choices until after the f2f
It would be a wonderful thing to have that mythical f2f time to do strategy/restructure work.
- 2-3 full days of work with travel days on either side
- Transportation is the biggie, lodging can be worked out easily, food, working space that is useful and productive
- Do you need financial support for lodging, air fare (FF miles)
- OSI-US may subsidize some expenses
Action Commitments
- Christine will do a meeting wizard on the dates, proposing Seattle for the meeting
- Gabriel to send meeting announcements
- Next meeting shifted to Wed, Aug 19 to accommodate schedules
- Future meetings back to the third Thurs.
- Call in number 218-339-4300 - 934546
- Time to get real
- Enjoy your summer
- Time to get real because the times call for that
BIN for 8/19/09
- Office of Public Engagement (Christine)
- Rethinking our Product Strategy (Gabriel, Christine)
- OSI World website(Christine)
- Open Space DVD for the Corporate World(Tree)
- OSI-OZ Training Model (Christine)
- Sending Trainers to Underserved Areas (Lisa, Karen, Doug)