Present: Peggy, Tree, Karen, Phelim, Doug, Lisa
Doug to take notes
Lisa to moderate
Moment of silence: Think of what you would be dancing....
Peggy: non-profit report for Washington State has been completed and filed.
Lisa: General membership meeting in September: Phelim, Doug, Lisa, Karen will all be attending. Peggy will send us some financial info to share and reports.
Pay Michael for his Webhost work: have about $6,000 in the account now; thank you gift of say $1,000; ddg: is it enough? Honorarium rather than a payment. Passed. Peggy will send the $1,000.
Lisa: Changing meeting time to Thursday: We agreed to make it the last Thursday of each month. That would be August 30th—instead, we will make it at OSonOS by the Sea annual meeting; September 27th is then our next regular meeting.
Doug 501(c)(3) question: We are making progress; about 75% through the research and getting experienced people together on the results. May have some factual questions to resolve, likely with Peggy. Several members suggested we re-title the bin item, to: two issues relating to 501(c)(3) non profit status. Making grants to and paying individuals.
Karen: Haiti and FOSonOS?: Peggy had a conversation with someone on this—it is in process—have not written them a check yet—they are still getting organized; FOSonOS? is for Frankophones: totally in French in Quebec; some folks from Haiti are coming (for some of whom we have provided funds).
Karen: What is going deeper? Lisa: Sharing what you are doing and what the weather is can help people feel connected in the virtual meeting. Tree: can use a virtual talking stick—now I'm putting the stick back in the center; slows the conversation. Lisa: a word or two about what they are feeling at the beginning and end of the call. Tree: send out pictures to one another.
Lisa: Open Space online: Phelim: found the count down as we got toward the end was frustrating, it did not feel like OS time—I'd like an override button. Tree: I went to see friends and in my group there were no names I recognized. Lisa: One man wanted to work on improving safety in hospitals, and the session had very good intimacy. Karen: any ideas we can use or sponsor it again next year? We decided to encourage Gabrielle Ender to do that again next year. Tree will tell Gabrielle our wishes.
Lisa: Update on WOSonOS2008 '08: Date will probably be July 23 Wednesday evening, then 24th, 25th, and half day 26th (Saturday); Tuesday and Wednesday Lisa will be doing a training; Launch of 3rd edition of User's Guide will be the same date. Harrison's daughter is getting married about that time.
The bin: