Attending: Gabriel, Karen, Peggy, Ric, John, Doug, Mikk, Christine, and Ric Giardina took these notes.
First, Silence and Check-ins.
Then, we worked the bin, as follows:
1. Who Are We? (All) Suggestion that we devote a meeting to this process and that we do so when we are likely to have most of board members in attendance. (It’s assumed that attendance is low today due to vacations in July and August.) We will use the September meeting and move that meeting from the 22nd to the 29th. Gabriel suggested a “Life Map” process he’s been involved with before. It was also suggested that we begin and end with silence. Peggy suggested a process of “stories from the heart.” Gabriel will be sending proposed questions around and asked that any one else interested in contributing to the process do the same with their contributions. We will discuss this with more specificity in the next call.
2. Bookstore Handover. (Ric) – Breakpoint Books, things “in process.” About 95% clear that we will turn fulfillment over to BPB. Now just have to find the time or an easy process for Peggy to turn over the bookstore to BPB.
3. OS World Map and Members Listing. (Peggy) This came from Michael Pannitz’s request for separate listing of OSI-US Members for OS World Map. We decided to remove this item from the bin. (Completed.)
4. OS Institutes Collaboration. (Karen, Kerry) Don’t have time to deal with it until the fall.
5. OSonOS in US? (Doug) Set for November 11, 2007 in Ashville, North Carolina, although presently looking for a venue.
6. Continue Expansion of Practice of Peace Events. (Karen) Mostly in the thought process, doing some research on what else is out there by that name. She will bring the ideas back to the board. They are also doing another Practice of Peace in NY in January in the form of a workshop and a conference by that name.
7. Develop an OS Field Guide. (Doug) Stays on the bin. Nothing to report on this at this time. Biggest question is what should it look like? Wants to do some coordination.
8. OSonOS in Moscow. (Peggy) We are sponsoring three people. John said he would send greetings from the US Board to the organizers of OSonOS in Moscow.
Next Meeting: Peggy and others are at the World Café Dialogues on the next meeting, which is Friday, August 25th. The August meeting was rescheduled to Thursday, August 17th.
Board Call Moderation. It was decided that moderating the call will now be rotated. Peggy will give Christine, who will also moderate the next call, the log-in and password for the invitation and board group list, and that job will rotate about every six months or so.
Items Remaining on the Bin List for the Next Meeting.
1. Who Are We? 2. Bookstore Handover. 3. OS Institutes Collaboration. 4. OSonOS in US? ( 5. Continue Expansion of Practice of Peace Events. 6. Develop an OS Field Guide. 7. OSonOS in Moscow. (Probably an update only next time.)