Board Notes--OSI-US January 15, 2010
Present: Peggy, Harold, Doug, Lisa, Karen, Ed (Harold has joined the Board)
Started with silence, then check-ins.
Doug will be taking notes for us today.
- John Engle is there with wife and two children
- Might be premature to offer to send fund now
- We can ask John to let us know what they need when they have some ideas.
- Some posts have already been made on Ning and other organization sites
- Let's coordinate through John for outreach
- Support them to do what they can do.
- Peggy prepared and sent, with Board approval, a note asking what help might be needed
Annual meeting follow up:
- We put this back in the bin
Ning donations:
- at the request of the site design team, we don't want U.S. to be too large a presence; we merely want U.S. people to know they can donate through us and get tax deduction
- we have not yet responded to the site design team
- are we taking an admin fee?
- Admin fees are income for us; in this case it has to do with our core work
- Are these on top of Pay Pal fees?
- We need to be explicit
- It probably is on top of Pay Pal fee.
- One member is in favor of no admin fee because it is so close to our mission
- We have been charging Access Queen 10%
- One member: We should be consistent, but don't like either one of these two having a fee
- Another member: let's take care of time and expense; if small, then there should be no fee; otherwise minimal: should not make money out of it.
- Another member is of two minds; what else might be coming up?
- Another member: It is reasonable either way.
- Another member is not pulled strongly either way
- Decision: Drop the admin fee for Access Queen and the Ning site, on the principle that it is close to our mission, and commensurate with the costs and efforts to administer.
- Lisa will contact the design team and have Artur work with Peggy to work out the mechanics of transfers.
- The meeting concluded with check-outs
Next meeting, February 19, 2010
- elect new board, including Harold Shinsato
- clean up .net site;
- sf osonos posted;
- edits on blog;
- osius blog;
- disambiguation page on wikipedia;
- World open space calls;
- osius annual meeting follow up