Board meeting minutes for 1/28/05 meeting.
 Thank you for your comments, adjustments, corrections.

 Present: Gabriel Shirley, John Engle, Karen Davis, Doug Germann Sr., 
 Michael Herman, Mikk Sarv, Lisa Heft.  Absent: Leon deKing.  Notes-taker: 
 Lisa Heft

 * OSI(US) "Ask" letter; premiums (Peggy)

 Letter asking people to join and donate money to OSI(US).  One of the 
 premiums is a photo Peggy took from OSonOS in Swenmark 2003 of Principles 
 and Law in 11 languages.


 -- Regarding production of photos: If Peggy does a lot of those she'll ask 
 OSI(US) to buy a new cartridge for her color printer.
 -- Anyone donating $500 or more will help us create a poster of this photo 
 and you'll get the first copy and a credit on that poster.
 -- Peggy: letter will go out next week

 * World Service Market (Michael)

 Stimulating a marketplace for proposals/requests and offerings of support 
 for Open Space around the world.  We've been sharing emails to build the 
 invitation and the site to launch this.  Need to finalize key questions.


 -- MH moving text to a wiki page where additional editing can be done 
 -- Tell MH what's missing; what can be pared away; keep it simple.
 -- MH will help Kerry simplify it and afterwards both will let us know

 * Offer from Dee Dickinson (Peggy)

 Dee offers to put an update about what's going on with Open Space at the 
 New Horizons website. Also invited in that announcement of our OS, AI, FS 
 education collaboration project.


 -- Peggy will say thank you, it's too early, will check in after more info 
 on Summit (below)
 -- Kerry will ask Summit folks in next call if that is something they'd 
 like, too.

 * Advertising student wants to redesign a logo for a non-profit (Michael)

 His assignment: to work for "Open Space Technology" volunteer to create 
 3-5 ideas we can choose or not. If we like what he works on he can 
 continue with it.  Do we want to change the logo?  We agreed that this 
 would be for OSI(US) and not for openspaceworld.  If we decide we don't 
 need to do this right now MH could ask him to use his assignment for Small 
 Change Network.


 -- Michael will continue the conversation with him, basing it on what his 
 (the student's) passion is and will connect him to Peggy and Lisa (see 
 -- Peggy would be happy to spend an hour or two with this student.  Lisa 
 would too.

 * Harrison's birthday party

 This year's annual update received more response of 'I'd like to get 
 involved with 'x'" than any other year, including Karen and Ralph sharing 
 their interest in planning HO's party.  Karen is willing to work with 
 someone on it, though perhaps not able to be the lead.  Invitation to a 
 gathering of some sort; also possible to do virtual event.  No decisions 
 have been made as to where or when or what, though Michael has checked in 
 with Ethelyn regarding this.  The Owens live in Washington, DC and have 
 kids living in Chicago.  Note that this is not a secret from Harrison.


 -- Peggy will set up a Yahoo e-group for anyone who wants to virtually 
 discuss this
 -- Doug will compose the message inviting interested parties to that site 
 and will send this to the Board.
 - - Doug will post the message regarding this to the OSLIST (he will keep 
 in touch with Peggy as to the status of this so she will know when to set 
 up this group)

 * Collaboration for a Summit on OS, Appreciative Inquiry, Future Search 
 Education (John, Kerry)

 Next meeting date is March 2


 To the bin.

 * Education wiki (Mikk)

 Goal of wiki and OS in education: opening up more ideas about education in 
 Estonia - not in January; now in mid-April.


 To the bin.

 * Research Project (Peggy)


 To the bin.

 * Bylaws


 To the bin.

 * Wiki Work (Michael)

 French and Italian requestors for wiki page for them - can Michael/someone 
 ask for some money for working on the wiki? MH asked them what they might 
 be willing to contribute to have it set up, do we want to ask for an 
 annual contribution, etc. (Michael)


 To the bin.

 * Inviting people who contribute to OSI(US) to ask for their wishes 
 (Michael, Karen)


To the bin.

 Next meeting: February 25th