OSI-US Board Meeting February 19, 2010
- Thank you for your comments, adjustments, corrections.
- Present: Peggy Holman, Doug Germann Jr, Christine Whitney Sanchez, Karen Davis, Lisa Heft, Harold Shinsato
- Absent: Gabriel Shirley, Tree Fitzpatrick, Phelim McDermott?, Ed Laboy
- Notestaker: Lisa Heft
1 - Open Space on Open Space 2010 San Francisco(Lisa)
- Two day OSonOS plus a social evening, really wonderful. Nice diverse group of about 25 people. Had a little Silent Auction and Global Village Marketplace (Access Queen) table and Suitcase Cuisine - both traditions now for WOSonOSs? and OSonOSs?. Lisa’s favorite moments included a session where folks shared what they do differently from one another (in the OS room - such as ways they do an Agenda Wall or the center of the circle set-up differently from one another) and the fact that our colleague Rose May from Haiti could come for community and a sense of what to do for Haiti, just a few days after the quake had happened. The Book of Proceedings is posted at http://openspaceonopenspace.net/OSonOS2010.pdf . This event will now be hosted annually in San Francisco.
2 - Board Business(All)
- We agreed that having a reminder including the phone number before the Board meeting is still something useful. This did not happen as expected - Peggy contacted Gabriel during this call and he has shared the messaging tool he uses. See below - Gabriel will no longer be doing this job.
- Elections of Board Officers - Usually we do this when Peggy gets the notice to re-license OSI-US - in the summer. Doug reviewed and it turns out that the Bylaws call for this in January. An election was held on this call. President - Lisa Heft, Vice President - Christine Whitney Sanchez, Secretary - Karen Davis (who will send out monthly reminders for these Board calls), Treasurer - Peggy Holman (until she can write up this role)
- Status of Board Members - We have a selection process, not an election process for the Board (just election for Officers). In our emails, Tree has informed us she is considering resigning and at least shifting her level of interaction. Phelim has informed us he is considering re-connecting in a more active way. Peggy is willing to stay as Treasurer until she can write up the role, and therefore sees herself staying for at least one year. Gabriel sent an email saying he is resigning with love and support. Ed has been sent an email requesting his feeling on his own status. The following Board Members announced and were received as active on the Board as of this date: Peggy Holman, Doug Germann Jr, Christine Whitney Sanchez, Karen Davis, Lisa Heft, Harold Shinsato. We seek status regarding Ed Laboy and Phelim McDermott?.
- Note that according to our Bylaws, quorum for any votes is 3 members at least, one of whom must be an officer. Also note regarding attendance that Bylaws say when a Board Member has 3 or more unexcused absences in any 12 month period they may be considered resigned.
- Actions / Decisions / Agreements :
- See above - changes in Board Members and Election of Officers. Agreement and understanding of quorum. Future Officer Elections to be held each January.
- Still outstanding: Confirming status (active or otherwise) of Ed and Phelim as Board Members (into the BIN)
3 - World Open Space Calls(Karen)
- Actions / Decisions / Agreements :
- Karen will be scheduling another one for late March.
4 - Annual OSI-US Call(Christine)
- Actions / Decisions / Agreements :
- Best to discuss with Gabriel’s input (Into the BIN)
5 - OSI-US Web Presence and Identity(All)
- We agree that it is useful and important for OSI-US to have specific presence rather than to be invisible and behind-the-scenes so much. So, we will look at making and recommending some edits, adjustments and referrals to other web pages with our separate identity. These will need to be made on the openspaceworld.org and openspaceworld.net sites to ‘disentangle’ OSI-US from that identity and create / strengthen our own. In November Gabriel created a blog page - http://osius.wordpress.com . A side note that Doug has been posting OSI-US Board notes on the openspaceworld.net site as well as on the OSI-US Group on the Ning site. So our edits might refer to this sort of an OSI-US site.
- Questions include - blog, wiki? what would best serve us? Harold recommends how useful it is to converse about that for awhile before selecting something. It will help us to discuss our intentions and purposes: what can we imagine this doing for us and for our communication with the world? Harold has some passion for helping clean some of this up - though he is not sure about taking full responsibility for it.
- Actions / Decisions / Agreements :
- Agreed to talk further about this as a group (into the BIN)
6 - Brian(Karen)
- Brian is still on Skype and it says ‘forwarding messages’ and Karen finds that wonderful. He had such energy around the WOSonOS? and similar Open Space knowledge sharing events, and about younger people being a part of them. Is there some way we want to establish or acknowledge that - support someone going to WOSonOS?? Just a thought. Peggy reflected that Brian was known for was making every WOSonOS?. We wonder if we could do a memorial annually or in coming year - to honor Brian by ensuring someone fits some criteria that might have pleased him. Lisa noted his closeness and mentorship to Pavel, and recommends considering awarding this to Pavel. Shall we use some of our funds this year? What about if we contacted OSIs such as Canada, OSI-Oz - to ask if they wanted to co-create something like a Brian Bainbridge Endowment to support a young OS practitioner coming to WOSonOS? this year? It’s important that this be a worldwide partnership.
- Actions / Decisions / Agreements :
- Agreed to do this this year, and to re-evaluate if we want to do it another year - rather than automatically saying it’s an annual thing. Karen will contact Larry about this; Karen and Lisa will create a message to go out to the Institutes and OSI groups. Recommend a subgroup decide. Recommendation that the money can come into OSI-US as a fiscal umbrella / some may also come directly to Access Queen - which will allow for multiple participants plus AQ’s extra assistance to this young practitioner-traveler-Asker if they need it. Essential that this be a quick turnaround as anyone coming may have to apply for a visa and that can often have to be done some months in advance of travel. Harold later updated the osi-us blog to include a link for donating via OSI-US for those who wish to donate through our entity. (update - into the BIN)
- Questions from Lisa: what if there is extra? Leave in AQ project for general use? Use for any young person? As this particular endowment may or may not happen again.
Closing thoughts - share 3 words that you think of when you think of Brian:
- avuncular
- open
- peace
- love
- prickly
- loving
- ‘i reckon‘
- present
- warm
- committed
Next Meeting
Friday March 19, 2010- 10:30 am PDT / 11:30 am MDT / 12:30 pm CDT / 1:30 pm EDT / 9:30 pm GMT
- Karen will send us out a reminder with the call-in phone number a few days ahead of each meeting date.
BIN for March 19, 2010 OSI-USA Board Meeting
- 1- Request status (active or otherwise) of Ed and Phelim as Board Members (Ed, Phelim)
- 2- Annual OSI-US Call(Christine)
- 3- OSI-US Web Presence and Identity(All)
- 4- Status of Brian Bainbridge Endowment for this WOSonOS?(Karen, Lisa)