Present: Peggy, Elwin, Tree, Christine, Doug, John, Gabriel, Lisa, Michael Dobbe
WOSonOS2008 reflections: At the annual meeting, two subjects were presented for the Board: OST products (Doug); Climate change (Tree)
Report on WOSonOS2008
Lisa: She put seed money into the conference and it looks like it may be paid back via the pay what you can pricing and later gifts.
Lisa will pass along comments from past WOSonOSes? and this to Taiwan
That is something that will be posted to
120 +/- people attended
Working on Book of Proceedings: Will go to all the participants and be available for download by others; people who were not there will not get contact info, just their names Some concern was that there was no opportunity for others to invite
Decision on site was Taiwan for 2009 and Berlin 2010.
There was no one else that wanted to host that anybody mentioned.
Might be good idea to raise question on the oslist and quarterly institutes call on what the process should be.
Lisa will put it on the OSlist.
Doug: some question about whether we actually did decide about 2010 being in Berlin; Lisa will add to the posting on OSlist.
OSI Products:
Is it time to develop a new video? Editing existing footage into something? Bundling? Review of products.
Elwin: my little group is working on a product: update of USWest or something like that. Available to the World, that would encourage and attract the business world to OS. OSI-USA is the best home for it, his group thought.
Gabriel: excited about that idea. John as well.
Doug: Phelim's video should also be available.
Elwin: we need something for the corporate world. Perhaps 90 second clips from CEOs.
Doug: Kaliya and Diana Larsen may have some video
Elwin: but need something about changing the bottom line or productivity.
Gabriel: wants to be kept up to date on this.
Lisa: Open Space Idea Book disk for Bin next time; Elwin for the business product side.
Open Space Coffee Shop
Michael: Open Space Coffee Shop—would like to pursue that. It is a public space in a business district that would invite local conversations to occur. Everybody is welcome to come in and be involved. Will post something to OSlist about it. Do not put in the bin just now.
Younger members for our Board
Tree: Holding space for attracting some younger members of our Board. Doug: that seems part of the Trainers for Underserved areas. Tree: just want us to hold space for it.
Next call is Sept 19
Checkouts: were shared and meeting adjourned at 45 minutes past the hour.
BIN for September 19, 2008 OSI-USA Board meeting: