The BIN for 08-27-04 1. Update OSonOS in Goa 2. Further discussion of Space Corps 3. Consider whether to fund future events and if additional criteria needed. 4. Sale of OST principles poster in 15 languages from OSonOS event at Fyn, Denmark 5. Review and apply funding criteria posted by MH on OpenSpaceWorldNET as follows:
5.1 Projects that serve underserved areas of the world. 5.2 Leveraged efforts that reach multiple people, especially in training or other sustainings sort of way. (KN asks if worth clarifying by adding "raising awareness, promoting understanding of and making new applications for OST?") 5.3 Situations wherein other groups or individuals have already made investments so that OSI-USA can augment rather than initiate projects (KN asks does this matching funds concept need clarification as to percentages and recognition of in-kind contributions?) 5.4 Project sponsors and facilitators who will do good work and bring the story back to the larger OS community (are sponsor and facilitator credibility a new criteria for funding?)6. Donating remaining 180 first edition PoP? books (PH) 7. How to handle OSI US income earned from provision of fiduciary responsibilities (see 4.22.04 proceedings: items B,C & D raised by PH) 8. US OST outreach ideas (DG) 9. CIRCLES OF CHANGE video distribution (JE) 10. Surprise event for HO's 70th birthday on 12.2.05, e.g. OSonHO?? 11. Prosper's Bujumbura, Burundi Proposal.
AGENDA (agreed at start of meeting): A. (Lisa) Update on 10/25-.29/04 OSonOS XII in Goa B. (Peg) Michael Pannwitz' Open Space World Map proposal C. (Peg) OSI(US) 2004 Objectives Accomplishments to date D. (John) CIRCLES OF CHANGE video distribution (JE) E (Peg) US National OSonOS Chicago, Nov F (Peg) Surprise event for HO's 70th birthday on 12.2.05, e.g. OSonHO?? G (Mikk) Locus of OSonOS XIII (2005)
PROCEEDINGS: A. (Lisa) Update OSonOS in Goa
Twenty two registrations from overseas received. Number of registrations from India is as yet unknown. Access Queen assisting overseas registrants with India-travel paperwork. Peg is planning a presentation to OSonOS participants on OSI(US) plans and accomplishments.B. (Peg) Michael Pannwitz' Open Space World Map proposal that OSI(US) sponsor a (EUR) 45.00 link with his Open Space World Map web site. ACTION -- Peg authorized to convey (EUR) 45.00 to Michael Pannwitz to initiate this link.
C. (Peg) OSI(US) 2004 accomplishments
Hosted Education Wiki Weekend Supported Raffi at OSonOS Supported OSonOS Goa by acting as fiscal sponsor for international participants Hosted OSonOS in US Sponsored OS training in Nepal, a first step in the space corp Donated PoP? books to prison libraries Granted to support 50% of 10 Haitians going to Regional OSonOS Posted Board minutes to wiki for public view Became fiscal sponsor of access queen funds, for tax deduction & taking Credit Cards, developing a letter of understanding model others can use Funded preservation of original Goa OS film footage Supported OS world map Joined National Coalition for Dialogue & Deliberation
Developing the Space corps to encourage practitioners to use their skills in underserved areas Supporting Open Space in the US Continuing to refine our granting priorities/criteria
D. (John) Should OSI(US) distribute John's CIRCLES OF CHANGE video?
Agreed was that Board Members would view the latest edition of same (already sent by John) in time for decision at our next meeting. TO THE BINE. (Peg) US National OSonOS Chicago, Nov. 5-8, 2004. TO THE BIN F. (Peg) Surprise event for HO's 70th birthday on 12.2.05, e.g. OSonHO?? TO THE BIN G. (Mikk) Locus of OSonOS XIII (2005) No. America, Estonia, or ?? TO THE BIN
BIN ITEMS for 9-24-04: 1. Plans for U. S. OSonOS Chicago, Nov 5-8, 2004 2. Surprise event for HO's 70th birthday on 12.2.05, e.g. OSonHO?? 3. (Peg) Report OSonOS in Goa 4. (John) CIRCLES OF CHANGE video distribution 5. Further discussion of Space Corps 6. Refine OSI(US) grants priorities and awards criteria. 7. Sale of OST principles poster in 15 languages from OSonOS event at Fyn, Denmark 8. What should OSI(US) charge for provision of fiscal services? 9. (Doug) US OST outreach ideas 10. (Doug) Revision of OSI(US) Bylaws. 11. Prosper's Bujumbura, Burundi Proposal.
NEXT MEETING: Weds, Oct. 6, 2004 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time. (858) 400-4040 Access Code = 092 355#
_______________ Leon De King, Acting Recorder (*) Corrections appreciated