OSI/USA 4/17/09:meeting minutes
Karen, Doug, Ed, Peggy, Tree: Christine joined us at the end!!
Tree agreed to take these notes.
Our next meeting: THURSDAY, May 21 at 10:30 Pacific Time. The day-of-the-week is different because of scheduling conflicts.
Bin review
- Annual ask
- Henri’s donation
- F2F OSI/USA board meetings
- Sending trainers
- Redesign of product page
- WOSonOS? scholarships
- Korean translation of USWest video
- Haiti OSonOS grant request
Discussions / Decisions
- Annual ask letter: Peggy hopes to get it out this weekend
- Henri:Peggy is authorized to transfer it
- Face-to-Face board meeting:we did not discuss this
- Korean translation of U.S.West video:Doug will write to the guy with our questions.
- Corporate DVD: Tree will email Elwin, see where he is on this
- Haiti: We will fund their full grant request. Doug will write to him, reminding him that we like to hear the stories. Peggy will send them a check. Tree will post the stories Fremy sent us to the OSlist.
- WOSonOS?:we have to wait until fundraising letter out
- Redesign of product page: we did not discuss this.
- NCDD: Can we endorse their Core Principles for Public Engagement? Let’s ask the list. Peggy and Gabriel will post something to the oslist.