OpenSpaceWorldNET ...WAS... an open workspace, intended to show the practice of OST. Open editing is now closed.
It was created as a compliment to OpenSpaceWorldORG? which "tells" about the practice of OST.
This is open, community workspace. We invite you have a look around and to use this space for your own work, guide its direction, and help keep it tidy as it grows! It is password protected against spammers, but see LoggingInToOSWnet, HowToUseWiki, and AboutThisWebsite to gain access.
Archive of Events, Projects, Groups, and Resources
- WorldOSonOS2008 - working space for co-conveners of the annual Worldwide Open Space on Open Space practice conference
- SelfOrganizingWorld - working space for a May 14-17, 2009 gathering on Leadership in a Self-organizing World
- WikipediaDelight - a group discussion of information appearing on Wikipedia related to Open Space Technology
Proceedings from Conferences held in Open Space
- OSonOSinSwenMark - pre-conference check-ins, conference topics and proceedings, post-conference follow-ups
- SelfOrganizingWorld, May, 2009, Seattle WA
- OpenSpaceOnOpenSpaceInUS - Opening More Space in America - San Antonio TX - November 2005
- HealingConferenceJericho - Transcending Duality, 4 - 9 May 2005, Jericho, Palestine/Israel?
- CANDOAnnualConferenceProceedings - Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada, September 17-18, 2003
Conference Events
- SelfOrganizingWorld, May, 2009, Seattle WA
- Interactive Organizations Gathering - annual international gathering on interactive organizations, the method is open space technology, november 24-26, 2006, Istanbul, www.acikalanteknolojisi.com
- OSWorldORG:OpenSpaceOnOpenSpace - annual international practice conference August 4-6, 2006 , Moscow.
- OpenSpaceOnOpenSpaceInUS2007 - November 2, 3, 4, and 5, 2007, Asheville, North Carolina. Mark your calendar, please!
- International Open Space Online® real-time community conferences for OST facilitators (approx. twice a year). Ask for invitations via mailto:contact@OpenSpace-Online.com
Training Workshops
- August 18th+19th, Denmark - info from gm@openspace.dk
- See OSWorldORG:TrainingDirectory for a list of people offering training around the world, or check back for new postings here
OST Community Notes and Resources (OtherPossibilities)
- SpiritofOST - an experiment in connecting wiki spirit and OST spirit
- OpenSpaceWeblogs - some "blogs" that often report on Open Space ideas and events)
- WikiWebsites - more examples of how Open Space can spill into cyberspace