Recursos en portugués
a ser incluido en breve, así que llegue Vero ;-)
Recursos en español
a ser incluido cuando la biblioteca virtual de la AIF esté en correcto funcionamiento
Recursos en otras lenguas (en inglés desde esta parte)
Presenting Open Space...
- AboutOpenSpace?
- OpenSpaceSoundBites?
- OpenSpaceArticles?
- OpenSpaceGraphics? - save yourself a few thousand words
Getting Started as an Open Space Facilitator
- [Choosing Open Space Technology] Things to consider if you are contemplating an Open Space Meeting or if you are contemplating transforming your organization to operate as an Ongoing Open Space Organization from Birgitt Williams.
- [Open Space Checklist] Here is a detailed list of everything from masking tape to microphones that you need before, during and after an Open Space event. Also included are some notes for talking to potential sponsors and writing an invitation from Peggy Holman
- [Two Page Open Space Primer] The basics of doing an open space in brief. If you've attended an open space, this provides a quick reference to help lead one yourself from Anne Stadler.
More Comprehensive Facilitator Guides
- [Open Space Practice Resources] - collection of resources including a checklist, a template for writing invitations, a script for opening space, facilitator contract, and ongoing practice notes on all kinds of applications, variations, and adaptations. --MichaelHerman?
- [Forms, Lists and Agendas] - several MS Word formatted resources including sample agendas, invitation resources and report forms --ChrisCorrigan?
Some little (and not so little) things that seem to help
- MultiVoterSoftware? - how to download the voting software described in Harrison Owen's User's Guide.
- [Session Card] - the Session Card was created to address the challenge of a marketplace that could be as far away as 2 miles from the several places where the convened sessions would take place. This was a men's retreat held on the grounds of Sequoia Seminar, a place with one centrally located large meeting hall (the marketplace) and several dozen small meeting areas spread out over hundreds of acres of redwood trees. Some of the small meeting locations were as much as a mile or two away from the central marketplace. I was concerned that once folks left for their "first choice" convened session, the law of two feet would be completely defeated in that they wouldn't know where to go next if it wasn't working for them because the market place was not readily available for "rechoosing." We created a form of "optional dance card" for each man to fill out before he left for any sessions. --RicGiardina?