Difference (from prior major revision) (author diff)

Changed: 2c2
A WikiWord is any word that has two or more non-consecutive capital letters in it. WikiWords are the seeds of new pages. WikiWords? name pages.
A WikiWord is any word that has two or more non-consecutive capital letters in it. WikiWords? name pages. New WikiWords? name (and invite) new pages.

Changed: 4c4
Make a WikiWord in any page by capitalizing first letters and sliding words together without spaces. If that page name does not yet exist, your wiki word will be followed by a question mark link. Click the link. Add some text. Save. Now your WikiWord will appear as a link to your new page.
Make a WikiWord in any page by capitalizing first letters and sliding words together without spaces. If that WikiWord does not yet exist, your new WikiWord will be followed by a question mark link.

Changed: 6c6
Some Considerations...
Click the link. Add some text. Save. Now your WikiWord will appear as a link to your new page.

Changed: 8c8
*Shorter words work better. They fit into the flow of text. They're easier to type.
Shorter words work better. They fit into the flow of text. They're easier to type.

Changed: 10,12c10
*NamePages is a good place to start this. Make your name a WikiWord.

NamePages is a good place to start this. Make your name a WikiWord.

A WikiWord is any word that has two or more non-consecutive capital letters in it. WikiWords? name pages. New WikiWords? name (and invite) new pages.

Make a WikiWord in any page by capitalizing first letters and sliding words together without spaces. If that WikiWord does not yet exist, your new WikiWord will be followed by a question mark link.

Click the link. Add some text. Save. Now your WikiWord will appear as a link to your new page.

Shorter words work better. They fit into the flow of text. They're easier to type.

NamePages is a good place to start this. Make your name a WikiWord.

Alternatives to WikiWords