Difference (from prior major revision) (author diff)

Added: 23a24,25
*OSonOSinSwenMark - pre-conference check-ins, conference topics and proceedings, post-conference follow-ups

Removed: 27d28
*OSonOSinSwenMark - pre-conference check-ins, conference topics and proceedings, post-conference follow-ups


OpenSpaceWorldNET ...WAS... an open workspace, intended to show the practice of OST. Open editing is now closed.

It was created as a compliment to OpenSpaceWorldORG? which "tells" about the practice of OST.

This is open, community workspace. We invite you have a look around and to use this space for your own work, guide its direction, and help keep it tidy as it grows! It is password protected against spammers, but see LoggingInToOSWnet, HowToUseWiki, and AboutThisWebsite to gain access.

Archive of Events, Projects, Groups, and Resources


Proceedings from Conferences held in Open Space


Conference Events

Training Workshops

OST Community Notes and Resources (OtherPossibilities)